If you have a garden, a garden shed is a wonderful asset that can help you stay organized. Keep reading to find out how you can achieve this – DIY!

Building your own shed may appear to be a difficult task, but it only requires a little skill and knowledge, and it has the major advantage of being adaptable to your requirements.

You’ll need to set aside some time to prepare, but don’t worry; this comprehensive guide by Family Handy Man will walk you through the whole process, from planning to completion.

Before we get into the nitty gritty, it’s important to know that you may require a building permit prior to embarking on this fun DIY project! As explained by WikiHow, “Depending on the local building codes in your area, you might need to obtain a building permit before erecting your own shed. Call your local building office or permit office and ask what you need to do. If you need a building permit, get it before you start your shed so you don’t risk having to tear down your hard work.”

  • There will likely be a small fee for the building permit.
  • If you don’t get a permit, you might have to tear down the entire shed and start over, even if you follow the other local building codes.

Now, the fun begins! This step-by-step guide by Family Handy Man was designed with money saving in mind. Even the dimensions are designed to make the most efficient use of lumber. 

STEP 1: Building the Foundation

  • Dig two trenches 16 in. wide, 12 in. deep and 13 ft. long.
  • Center the trenches 66 in. apart.
  • Fill the trenches with a 3-in. layer of gravel and compact it with a hand tamper.
  • Repeat this process until the trench is full.
  • Cut the treated 6x6s to 12 ft. and set them on the gravel so they’re parallel and the outside edges are 6 ft. apart.
    • Pro tip: On sloped ground, you’ll have to raise the 6×6 on the low side until it’s level with the adjacent 6×6. Do this by stacking treated 2x6s, 4x6s or 6x6s on top of the treated 6×6 to reach the right height.
  • Cover it with treated 3/4-in. plywood (Figure B).

STEP 2: Assemble the End Walls

  • Start by nailing together the perimeter and adding the center stud.
  • Then measure from the center stud to mark for the remaining studs.
    • You can build the walls on any flat surface, but the shed platform is ideal. Use chalk lines as a guide.

STEP 3: Attach Flashing Over the Siding Seam

  • Nail siding to the walls before you stand them up.
  • Cover the horizontal seam with metal Z-flashing to keep out water.

STEP 4: Side the Walls

  • Screw the front wall to the platform to hold it square while you add the siding. Align the bottom plate with a chalk line to make sure it’s straight.
    • Snap chalk lines on the plywood deck, 3-1/2 in. from the edges of the platform, to indicate the inside edge of the walls. Measure to make sure the lines are parallel and 89 in. apart. Then chalk a line down the center. You’ll use this line to make sure the angled top plates meet in the center.
  • Snap lines for the peak.
  • Cut 2x4s to fit inside the lines and toe-screw them to the plywood to hold them in place while you fill in the center studs and nail on the siding.
    • Toe-screw from the outside so the screws will be accessible after the siding is installed.
  • Nail on the siding so that it overhangs the framing on each side by 3-1/2 in.
  • Trim off the top corner to follow the slope of the angled top plate.
    • When you’re done building the front and back walls, set them aside so you can use the platform to build the roof sections.

Feeling confident about building your own garden shed? Comment below and let me know if this is a DIY task you’ve completed in the past, I’d love to know what you experience was!