Rooting a Rose of Sharon and Other Propagation Techniques

Photo: Michael Jean Palles

My neighbour, Caroline was away for a few days and came home to discover her hibiscus had some serious rain damage.

Caroline’s solution? Make lemonade out of lemons or hibiscus out of hibiscus cuttings! She generously shared the cuttings and instructions with many.

This is such a great idea that we wanted to share Caroline’s instructions and info with you!

The gist of rooting branches:

  1. Prepare pots with half peat half soil -poke a hole in the soil with a chopstick
  2. Trim the cutting so that only the youngest 4-6 leaves are left and it’s about 4-6” tall
  3. Dip the cutting in rooting hormone and stick into the hole in the soil
  4. Keep moist/wet for the first week (never let it get dry), then water 1-2 times/week for 3-6 weeks
  5. To test if it’s rooted, after 3-4 weeks gently pull on the cutting. If it comes out easily it probably didn’t work. If it seems firm it probably rooted.
  6. Discard any cuttings that haven’t rooted after 6 weeks.

Caroline recommends two websites for more info. Click here for How to Propagate Mock Orange or click here to learn more about Rooting a Rose of Sharon.

Huge thanks to Caroline for allowing me to share her knowledge and findings. We love this!