Someone Posed As Bigfoot In This $999,000 House Listing And The Photos Are Hilarious

As realtors, we are all trying to get creative with our marketing to capture the interest of buyers. Our colleague shared this Bored Panda article with us and we thought others might enjoy a little real estate humour.

Bored Panda | 1 Week Ago | Jonas Grinevičius and Ilona Baliūnaitė

Photo Courtesy: Zillow

When somebody tells us that they’ve seen Bigfoot, we’re likely to wave it off as something that never happened. However, Bigfoot’s been spotted in an unusual place—in the photos of a house listed for sale in Felton, California.

Why is Bigfoot looking to move away from California’s redwood forests? Where is it planning to go next? We have so many questions! And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. In the photos, Bigfoot is baking cookies, doing yoga, chilling and reading books, video calling their friend, gardening, crafting something with power tools, and in one pic it’s even wearing a face mask.

This is either genius-level marketing or Bigfoot’s actually real and it’s been hiding under our noses this entire time. (If I were Bigfoot and I wanted to keep my existence secret, I’d post photos of myself online, too, because this way I’d know for sure that nobody would believe I’m real.) Bored Panda spoke with Daniel Oster, the listing agent for the property, about the photos of Bigfoot. Scroll down for the interview!

“During our initial photoshoot, the Bigfoot idea popped into my mind. The sellers immediately supported the idea, and we all hoped that it would bring a bit of levity to people on their home buying adventure,” Oster told us.

“A lot of folks are under a lot of stress now, and we were hoping to lighten people’s day and make them smile. At the same time, hoping to spread awareness of their home for sale. And that does indeed seem to be happening. We’ve had an overwhelming amount of interest in folks calling to schedule appointments to see the property. And, we are anticipating offers soon,” the listing agent explained the effects the photos had.

“I’ve been one of the most productive agents in my area since starting my career after college in 2003. I’ve never done anything like this before in my listings. Typically, just focusing on really high-end photography and targeted marketing approaches. With a combination of the right property for Bigfoot and the right timing, this seems to be going viral. I don’t anticipate doing this approach again because it could be overused. But it’s been a great success so far, and I love getting to use a bit of humor to market the property.”

Bigfoot’s selling its home in California

Photo Courtesy: Zillow









The house is surrounded by trees and looks gorgeous

Photo Courtesy: Zillow









The real estate listing has photos of Bigfoot doing lots of everyday things like reading books…

Photo Courtesy: Zillow









…baking cookies…

Photo Courtesy: Zillow









…and reading even more books. He’s not a Sasquatch but a Smartsquatch

Photo Courtesy: Zillow







Here’s Bigfoot video-calling their friend

Photo Courtesy: Zillow









And here’s the Sasquatch doing Yoga. We should all remember to move more during the quarantine

Photo Courtesy: Zillow









…Bigfoot loves gardening

Photo Courtesy: Zillow









The owner of the house for sale is great with power tools

Photo Courtesy: Zillow









Here’s Bigfoot reading a newspaper. Maybe it ran out of books?

Photo Courtesy: Zillow









Even Bigfoot’s wearing a face mask, so there’s no excuse not to have one on

Photo Courtesy: Zillow








To read the entire article, click here!